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Can I add SuperVoice to my team which already has professional voicing or Pre-Game Intros?

Yes. You can upgrade your professionally voiced team to SuperVoice for an additionally 2.99 per player and multiply your introductions by 50…announcing every event you can imagine for your sport. This only applies to players who have already had professional voice ordered. For players that have not previously had pro-voicing ordered, the price will be 6.98 (3.99 for the pro-voicing and 2.99 for the SuperVoice). It is important that you follow the instructions below closely in order to receive this discounted price. If you have not yet ordered professional voicing, you can proceed to this page for instructions on ordering SuperVoice. And to understand SuperVoice in SuperEasy terms, click here.

  • You can optionally make a duplicate of your existing team if you would like to retain those “Now Batting” only intros after you order SuperVoice. To duplicate, open your team and choose Actions > Duplicate Team and just give it a subtitle like “Now Batting”.

  • Open your original team and ensure that team consists of only the existing players on the team for which you want to order SuperVoice. If you need to add new players, or remove players that are no longer with the team, go ahead and do so before ordering SuperVoice.

  • Now follow the instructions on this page for Ordering SuperVoice. The key to getting the reduced price is to order from your original team that you ordered from before (and NOT the Duplicate). The order page will be aware of players that have already been professionally voiced and will discount accordingly. If you encounter any problem with this process, email

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