Start and Length

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This video discusses the Start and Length settings available in the Edit Music screen, along with some important factors that should be considered when deciding the starting point and duration of play of each song. Those considerations include events that may transpire between batters as well as how to handle songs with explicit lyrics.

Adjusting the Start
The Start setting controls the time into the song where playback will begin, and that time is presented in minutes, seconds, and tenths of a second. Drag the slider left or right to make quick adjustments to the Start position and use the "+" and "-" buttons at the right and left to make small incremental adjustments one tenths of a second. Each time you tap the "+" or "-" button you can hold down the "+" or "-" button to make quicker adjustments.

Request Start Times
As Team DJ you may want to ask each kid or family to supply you with their preferred Start time to take that decision off of you. But if you're left with the decision, you might want to toggle the Play Entire Song check box on while you're exploring the song for the best starting point.

Adjusting the Length - Going Long!
The Length controls the duration that the song will play from the Start position before it fades out automatically. I typically recommend users set the Length to a longer length than you really need, maybe 40 seconds, maybe even 60 seconds. That gives you a longer runway for any events that may occur. Such as maybe the batter walks over to talk to the third base coach or the catcher goes out to talk to the pitcher. And that avoids you having maybe 20 or 30 seconds of silence after you play the Intro. This allows you to continue to play the song. You've always got that Stop button there to stop the music. So I've got 40 seconds here. You'll notice if you drag it over to the right, it'll, it'll max out at one minute. You can then hold down on the "+" button and increase it past a minute if you need to.

Explicit Lyric Considerations
The only exception to that is if you run into a song with explicit lyrics, which are pretty popular with today's youth, and you're having a hard time finding 12 seconds without explicit lyrics, much less 40. So in that case, you are gonna have to find the right part of the song that you can play and make sure it stops at a length before the explicit lyrics begin. And you do adjust the Length in the same way. You adjust the Start with the slider and with the "+" and "-" buttons, they work in the same way. And each time you make an adjustment to either the Start or the Length, the song will play automatically to provide instant feedback. You may also notice you’re not hearing the music when I make adjustments, and that’s because I’m using Apple Music and Apple simply doesn’t capture protected music during video screen capture.

Fade-In / Fade-Out
You'll find a Fade In Music option, and that's available depending on where you've chosen to start your song. You might find that comes in handy for a nice smooth transition into your Music, in addition to the Fade Out option that we have to have a nice smooth transition out of the Music. And we hope this video was useful.

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