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Adjusting Order and Overlap
of SuperVoice Components

There are a number of reasons you might need to adjust the order and/or overlap of SuperVoice Components. Maybe you ordered Professional Voicing with SuperVoice and you need to increase or decrease the overlap of event and number/name because there is either too much dead air between the two or they overlap too much. Or maybe you just want to inject any or all of the creative components available to SuperVoice such as Team Name, Sound Effects, or Position. Either way, adjust the order and overlap is easy and explained below.

Adjusting the Order
To adjust the order of SuperVoice components, simply drag the thumb ≡ you see to the right of each component up or down to it’s desired position.

Adjust the Overlap
To adjust the overlap of SuperVoice components, tap of the top component of the two component you want to adjust the overlap between, and then drag the sliders below left or right. After you release the slider, the two components will be played with the resulting overlap. Continue to adjust as needed. If one of the components is a Team Component, the audio of the first player on that team will be used during playback.