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How would I share my SuperVoice team(s)?

Sharing of SuperVoice teams would be no different than sharing of any normal team. Simply open the team you wish to share and choose Actions > Share Team. This can be the blue (master) team, the red (pre-game) team, or the gold (SuperVoice) team. That will compose an email or text which you can send to another user. The receiving user will need to open this email (or text) on the device on which they have BallparkDJ installed, and click on the link. This will import the team into their BallparkDJ app. The receiving user may have to pay the 6.99 to upgrade their app to the unlimited version if they have not already done so, and if your shared team has more than 3 players (as it likely does). For more information on sharing teams, visit:

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