Download Music to Device (iOS)

It is highly recommended that you ensure that the iTunes/Apple Music songs you are using in BallparkDJ, have both been Added to Library, and Downloaded to your device.

First, if you haven’t already, please to your phone Settings > Music, and turn on both Sync Music and Add Playlist Songs. These are both very important, especially if you’re using Apple Music for your music source.

If you have not downloaded the songs you are using through Apple Music, then the song is downloaded each time you play the player (possibly introducing a delay, or even failure to play song altogether). If you download the songs to your device, you will ensure optimal performance when playing the players on gameday. To ensure each song is downloaded to your device, find the song in the Music app, and tap on the … (dot-dot-dot) button to the right of the song and Add to Library (if you haven’t already). Then tap on the … (dot-dot-dot) button again, and choose Download. Repeat for all songs.

To ensure you are using the song you downloaded within BallparkDJ, go to the Edit Music screen and click the “iTunes/Apple Music” button, then click on the “Downloaded” folder within your library (see below), then click on “Song”, and then begin typing in your song title. You should then see and select the song you downloaded.

Fore more information on source of delay when playing intros, please visit this page.

You may also find some other solutions on this page.

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