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SuperVoice Wizard
Event Teams

Now Batting, Catcher, Number 2, Cody Rech [Music]

Single Event Teams
Click here to watch a video which clearly demonstrates how to create a Now Batting Only (or Now Pitching Only) team from your SuperVoice/Gold team.

One interesting application of SuperVoice wizard might be to take your SuperVoice team which provides dynamic event selection for each player, and create teams that are dedicated to single events such as a “Now Batting” team and a “Now Pitching” team. To accomplish this…

  • Duplicate your SuperVoice team by choosing Actions > Duplicate

  • Give the duplicate a subtitle that’s reflective of the event such as “SuperVoice: Now Batting”

  • Edit the SuperVoice setup of first player so it has 2 player components “Now Batting” and player (number/name). You’ll need to delete the SuperVoice team component by clicking the red - button to the right of the first component. Then click the Add Player button and navigate to the SuperVoice Baseball team and select the proper event (Now Batting) from the team. Now drag the Now Batting player component up (using the thumb at right) so it’s the first component of the SuperVoice (as seen below).

  • Edit the overlap of those two components to your liking by sliding the red/blue sliders left/right.

  • Return to team and choose Actions > SuperVoice > SuperVoice Wizard > Apply Wizard. This will apply the same settings of the 1st player to all other players on the team. Now test your players.


Additional Notes…

  • Feel free to further infuse your Event Team with additional SuperVoice elements such as Sound Effects and Team Name.

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