Voice Clipping Over Bluetooth?

Is the first part of your voice intros "Now Batting" getting clipped off?
This happens over some Bluetooth speakers due to the few seconds it takes to wake up the speaker. There are a few ways to fix this…

  • 2-Tap+ and 2-Tap++ Modes - We have introduced a 2-Tap+ and 2-Tap++ modes that resolves this for some Bluetooth speakers. Simply tap on the button at the extreme bottom left of your team to toggle to 2-Tap+ or 2-Tap++ modes.
    Learn More: https://www.ballparkdj.com/2tap

  • Start Music First - you can simply edit the overlap to start the music 3 or more seconds before the voice (with Soften Music During Voice turned on). By start starting the music, the first few notes of the music may get clipped, but that is MUCH less noticeable than clipping part of the voice intro.

  • Wired Aux Cord Connection - You can alternatively solve this by wiring an aux cord from your phone to your speaker. This issue only happens on certain speakers including the ION Pathfinder. Please spread the word around your park if you hear others experiencing this! For iPhone/iPad you will probably need an Lightning to 3.5mm cord.

This video also discusses some of these solutions: https://vimeo.com/811283172