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SuperVoice Wizard
Injecting Position

Now Batting, Catcher, Number 2, Cody Rech [Music]

Follow the steps below to inject each players' Position into each of your intros quickly and easily using SuperVoice Wizard. These instructions will allow you to dynamically choose the position (or Skip it) each time you play an intro. If you would rather insert a fixed Position for each player that you don’t have to choose each time, visit this page.

  • Duplicate your SuperVoice team (Actions > Duplicate Team)

  • Give the duplicate a subtitle that’s reflective of the unique nature of this team such as “Wizard: Position”

  • Edit the first player on the team, and insert the SuperVoice Event team as a Team Component for a 2nd time.

  • Edit the overlap between all components to your liking. You’ll notice as you’re adjusting the overlap between the two Team Components, it will just use the first event from that team as the sample (“Now Batting” for baseball), but this is just to get the overlap setup and you’ll be able to dynamically choose both components at runtime (“Now Batting”, “Left Fielder”).

  • Return to the team and Choose Actions > SuperVoice > SuperVoice Wizard > Apply Wizard.

  • The SuperVoice setup of that first player on the team will now be applied to all other players on the team.


Additional Notes…

  • If choosing from two team components at runtime takes too much time for you, you can instead setup the team with either of both the event and the position fixed as Player Components instead of Team Components. If both are fixed (“Now Batting”, “Center Fielder”) then there are no selections at runtime, just tap the player and all components play. With SuperVoice Wizard, you can now easily create teams that are dedicated to each event “Now Batting” and even dedicated teams for certain positions such as Pitcher.

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