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How are the pre-game full-team introductions implemented through SuperVoice?
Also see: National Anthem and Sportsmanship Statements

When you order SuperVoice for your team, you will get back 3 teams and one of those teams will be the Pre-Game Introductions as seen below…


If you open the Pre-Game Introductions team, it will look something like this…


The first player is titled Team Intro and if you tap on it to play, you will hear Casey Motter explain the following…

“Hello TeamDJ, this is Casey Motter. Please use your voice to record this Team Intro player to convey exactly how you would like your team, and then order professional voicing on just this one player. For Example: Ladies and Gentlemen, get on your feet and make some noise, as we introduce your Cambridge Bears.

To voice that Team Intro simply tap on the microphone/music icons to the right of Team Intro, and then tap Record next to Voice…

And then record exactly what you want you want the announcer to say when introducing your team pre-game. Then order just that one player with Actions > Order Professional Voicing > Some Players and choose that one Team Intro player and complete the order. Make sure to choose the same announcer you ordered originally, and you do NOT need to select SuperVoice for this order (just pay the 3.99 for the single player order).

Once you get it back, you should be able to simply tap on Team Intro and get a full team introduction that you can use before each game. You can edit the order of the players. You can change the song used on the Team Intro to whatever song you wish. Just be sure to set the song to “Play Full Song” as seen below.