BallparkDJ español
Ordering Spanish Introductions

Order Page Language
If you would like your intros voiced in English, you must toggle the language of the order page to English before submitting your order. If the Order Page is toggled to Spanish when submitting the order, the resulting orders will be voiced in Spanish. If the Order Page is toggle to English language when submitting the order, the resulting orders will be voiced in English.

Spanish Formats Limited for Some Announcers
Several of our announcers are well versed in Spanish and therefore may voice any format in Spanish. Our Spanish speaking announcers include Joe Martinez, Michael Araujo, and Maysol Castro. The other announcers provided limited option in Spanish. These announcers are limited to Standard orders (no SuperVoice or Pre-Game) and only “Now Batting” (“Ahora al bate”) intros without numbers or team names. To enable all format options for all announcers, users must toggle the language at the top of the Order Page to English (and the resulting intros will be voiced in English).

Spanish Instructional Videos:
More on BallparkDJ español: