Sharing Teams That Have Been Updated

If you arrived here, you are probably trying to share a team with Actions > Share Team, and seeing this message…

This team has been updated on the server since you last imported it. If you proceed with this share, you could overwrite important voice and/or music data on this team, including professional voicing. Are you sure you want to proceed with Share? If unsure, PLEASE tap Learn More.

This means that someone else has shared your team to the server, since you last imported the team. That “someone else” could have been another user that you shared the team with at some point, or it could be one of our professional announcers when fulfilling a voice order.

You have these two options…

  • Import Team From Server - This will import the team that is on the server, possibly overwriting some changes you made since importing the team (like setting up music). However, this might be your only option, in order to get the latest professional voicing and other changes. If you intend to choose this option, you might consider first making a duplicate of your team with Actions > Duplicate Team, and therefore making a copy of your team that you are refer to as needed. After choosing this option, you may need to repeat any voice or music setup work you did since previously importing team.

  • Proceed With Sharing Team - This will upload your team to the server, and possibly overwrite the changes that were shared by another user or one of our professional announcers, since you last imported. This would not impact the other user that might be working with this team immediately, but would impact them if they imported the team from the server after up shared the team.

  • Learn More - Of course this brought you to this page, where we hope you learned something :).

AVOID SIMULTANEOUSLY EDITING TEAMS! We tend to recommend that ONLY ONE user work on a team at any given time, otherwise you run into the complications detailed above. If one user is going to work on music, and another is going to work on voicing, have one go first and complete their work, then share the team with the other to complete the team (with voice or music setup).

If you continue to have questions about what you should do in your situations, please email and provide us with the details of your situation and we will give you guidance.