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Music Finish Sound Effect


A new option was added in BallparkDJ 11 in the Edit Music screen titled “Music Finish Sound Effect”. This was added primarily as a “Fade Out” alternative but can provide a dramatic finish to any introduction. Fade Out can be problematic for some combinations of Apple Music and Bluetooth speakers because we have to adjust the volume of the device to fade out and this results in beeping on some Bluetooth speakers. The new Music Finish Sound Effect provides a great alternative and a dramatic ending and masks the sudden stopping of the song (without fade out). Additionally, the sound effect may be repeated as many times as the user wishes, resulting in an echo/reverb effect. The Fade Out option has also been moved from the Edit Player window to the Edit Music window. When Music Finish is turned on, it’s recommended that the Fade Out is turned off. Try the “Whoosh” effect repeating 3 times.

The other alternatives to work around the Bluetooth beeping issue, would be to purchase the songs you are using through iTunes. Once you’ve purchased the songs, we can manipulate the songs volume without having to manipulate the volume of the device (while fading out) and the beeps go away. And you could also turn off Fade-Out on music, but that never sounds good. And of course, you could find another Bluetooth speaker which does not exhibit this beeping behavior.

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