BallparkDJ for ANY Team Sport

BallparkDJ offers SuperVoice for any team sport, not just baseball and softball, this includes basketball, football, hockey, lacrosse, volleyball, and soccer. In this video we will discuss the value of BallparkDJ for ALL team sports!

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Pre-Game Add-Ons: Coaches Intros, Positions, Batting Order

On this page we will discuss the value of BallparkDJ for team sports that are not baseball or softball. Those sports would include hockey, basketball, volleyball, lacrosse, soccer, football, or any other team sport. And I'm going to demonstrate both of these on a Pre-Game Team and a SuperVoice team, feel free to follow along in the video posted to the right. First, I'll demonstrate a Pre-Game Intro. This is using the voice of our announcer, Michael Araujo and this is for hockey. And I'm going to introduce the players with their positions, that's optional. And I'm also going to use a new Dynamic Overlap feature. "Ladies and gentlemen, get on your feet and make some noise for the 11U AA West Niagara Flying Aces. Right Defenseman, Number 2, Colton Culley, Left Wing, Number 6, Tate Neglia."

And when you order SuperVoice you choose the sport and you'll get back the positions and events that are appropriate for that sport. And then you can choose to include the positions in the Pre-Game Introductions if you wish. You can also include Coaches' Introductions at the end of the introduction of the players if you'd like. And in my example, I used a BallparkDJ clip for the music. But you'll be able to use any song you wish. I have to use a BallparkDJ clip because if I use protected music, it mutes it from my video. But you'll use any song you wish and it'll play continuously through the Team Intro and through the introduction of all players. And when you order SuperVoice, you'll get back the Red Team, which is your Pre-Game team, and you'll also get the Gold Team, which is your SuperVoice team, and allows you to announce in-game events such as goals. So let's demonstrate that and I'll choose Slapshot Score, "Slapshot Score, Number 2, Colton Culley." And again, you have a number of events available to you and these will all be different depending on the the sport.

And you also notice that we use the new Dynamic Overlap feature to start the music. And that music can be any song that the player prefers, that he can choose his own song when he scores a goal or a basket or a touchdown. And then you play that song and then you choose when to play the Voice Introduction after the song is already started. And you may have noticed we also had the Soften Music During Voice turned On which is very effective for those announcements as it lowers the volume of the music a little bit during the Voice Intro, so you can hear it very clearly.

And while there is so much more to it than that, we hope that this video will give you a really good idea of what SuperVoice can bring to your sports that are not baseball or softball. Any team sport you'll find value with BallparkDJ to give you those Pre-Game Introductions or to announce any of the events within the game that you wish. Thanks for watching this video. If you have any questions about what we can offer for your sport, please email Thank you.

This second video demonstrates how to play one event with the team name, followed by announcing another event without team name. Specifically, this video shows how to announce the goal scorer (in hockey) with team name, followed by the player who assisted (without team name) but both with their own music/song.